Prevention Service

Healthy heart check MOT

A Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Screening is a process whereby your general lifestyle habits are checked and you are then given a reading of your chance of contracting a cardiovascular disease.

The results that will be given to you will measure and evaluate things such as smoking, drinking and activity habits, Body Mass Index (BMI) blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and cardiovascular risk. If any of the focus groups are at risk then you will be given expert advice on how to manage them for a healthier life.

Moin’s Chemist uses the latest in technology to ensure accurate reading as well as being fully trained on the procedures, thus allowing for quick and easy to understand results.

Some people are entitled to a free check-up and they are the people who are part of the risk group, and for those who not part of the risk group they are still eligible for a healthy heart check for a small fee.

The risk groups:

If you can fit the following criteria then you may be eligible for a free health check.

Can you answer YES to all of the following?

  • Are you between 40 and 70?

  • Are you registered with a GP within Leicester City PCT area?

  • Do you live within the Leicester City PCT area?

    AND answer NO to all of these:

  • Have you had a blood pressure check in the past 12 months?

  • Have you had your cholesterol check in the past 12 months?

  • Have you been diagnosed with hypertension or CHD/CVD?

Stop smoking clinic

Everyone knows the dangers of Smoking, and here at Moin’s Chemist we are here to try and make it easier to give up the habit, as we now offer a FREE stop smoking clinic for everyone. If you are a casual smoker or 40+ a day and you want to quit smoking then come in store and sign up to one to one our sessions to help you go smoke free. If that wasn’t enough incentive then here are some facts and figures that might change your mind:


Nicotine is a drug that stimulates the brain. If you are a regular smoker, when the blood level of nicotine falls, you usually develop withdrawal symptoms, such as craving, anxiety, restlessness, headaches, irritability, hunger, difficulty with concentration, or just feeling awful. These symptoms are relieved by the next cigarette.

So, most smokers need to smoke regularly to feel normal, and to prevent nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Tar which contains many chemicals.

These deposit in the lungs and can get into the blood vessels and be carried to other parts of the body.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including over 50 known carcinogens (causes of cancer) and other poisons.

Carbon monoxide

This chemical affects the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. In particular, in pregnant women who smoke, this causes a reduced amount of oxygen to get to the growing baby. This is thought to be the most important cause for the bad effects of smoking on the growing baby.

Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of:

  • Miscarriage.

  • Complications of pregnancy, including bleeding during pregnancy, detachment of the placenta, premature birth, and ectopic pregnancy.

  • Low birth weight. Babies born to women who smoke are on average 200 grams (8 oz) lighter than babies born to comparable non-smoking mothers. Premature and low birth weight babies are more prone to illness and infections.

  • Congenital defects in the baby – such as cleft palate.

  • Stillbirth or death within the first week of life – the risk is increased by about one-third.

  • Poorer long-term growth, development, and health of the child. On average, compared with children born to non-smokers, children born to smokers are smaller, have lower achievements in reading and maths, and have an increased risk of developing asthma.

Timeline of health benefits after stopping smoking…


72 hours

1 month

3-9 months

1 year

10 years

15 years

Health Benefit

Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.

Skin appearance improves, owing to improved skin perfusion.

Cough, wheezing, and breathing problems improve and lung function increases by up to 10%.

Risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.

Risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker.

Risk of heart attack falls to the same level as someone who has never smoked.

Blood pressure monitoring service

Since there are very rarely any symptoms to spot a high blood pressure many people aren’t aware they have high blood pressure. However, if left untreated, the condition can lead to heart problems, strokes and damage to other vital organs.

You are at an increased risk to have high pressure the older you get, but lifestyle factors also have a key role for having high blood pressure,. If any of the following apply to you, it’s a good idea to visit Moin’s Chemist for a free blood pressure test:

  • You have a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease

  • You’re overweight

  • You don’t do much exercise

  • You’re of Asian or Afro-Caribbean descent

  • You drink more than the recommended amount of alcohol (14 units per week for women, 21 units per week for men)

  • You have a diet that’s high in salt

  • You don’t eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day

If you do have a high blood pressure then masking simple lifestyle changes can help you lower your blood pressure, and we also sell blood pressure monitors for you to check your own blood pressure and we will provide you with all the information you need to help you with a healthier lifestyle

Diabetes testing and screening service

It is estimated that around a million people living in the UK, have diabetes and don’t know it. The symptoms can often be missed, but unfortunately if the condition is ignored it can cause long-term complications including heart disease, high blood pressure and eye damage.

People over the age of 40, have a history of diabetes within your family, are overweight or don’t do much exercise you may be at an increased risk of having diabetes. Our diabetes service will help identify your risk of developing diabetes. And if you have one or more of the following symptoms it’s also a good idea to speak to a member of our pharmacy team:

  • You’re always thirsty

  • You pass water a lot

  • You’re always tired

  • Your vision is sometimes blurred

  • You get cramps at night

  • You often get infections

  • Your wounds heal slowly

  • You often get thrush or genital itching

  • Your hands and feet often feel numb

If you believe that you are part of the risk group then come and see a member of staff at Moin’s Chemist and we will help you make the necessary changes prevent diabetes, and the diabetes service consist of taking a simple blood test to check blood glucose level, and relevant advice on how to improve your lifestyle

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