Diabetes is a condition which results in too much sugar in the blood. Also known as Diabetes Mellitus, it occurs because the body does not produce enough of the hormone, insulin, which controls the blood sugar levels.
There are two types of diabetes:
Type 1 affects children and young adults and is often referred to as Insulin Dependent Diabetes (IDDM).
Type 2 comes on in later life, especially in the overweight and often runs in families. This is also referred to as Non Insulin Dependent diabetes (NIDDM).
Type 1: diabetes symptoms often appear suddenly and include high levels of sugar in the blood and urine, frequent urination, hunger, thirst, weight loss, weakness, tiredness, mood swings, nausea and vomiting.
Type 2: diabetes symptoms include thirst and regular need to urinate, tiredness, irritability and nausea. Skin infections, blurry vision, tingling or dry skin are also common symptoms.
Often symptoms are very mild.
If you have any of these symptoms you should consult your doctor so he/she can do a blood test to check whether you are diabetic.
Diabetes can be caused by various factors:
It can be genetic, meaning it is in your family history.
It can be caused by a disorder of the pancreas which is the organ which produces insulin.
It can be drug-induced e.g. by steroids and certain diuretics.
Obesity or remaining overweight is a contributory factor in type 2 diabetes.
Type 1: diabetes requires the use of regular insulin injections. This will need to be taught to you but most people manage it themselves after a very short time. You will develop an understanding of the different doses needed when more activity takes place or in situations where you are unable to eat.
Type 2: diabetes can often be controlled by diet alone. It is important to get your weight down to a reasonable level. You will need to take medication if diet alone is not sufficient and this usually involves one or more tablets per day.
Diabetes can affect the blood vessels, the eyes, the heart, the nervous system and the kidneys but this usually follows years of poor blood sugar control.
Some women develop gestational diabetes late in pregnancy. Although this form of diabetes usually disappears after the birth of the baby, women who have had gestational diabetes have a 40 to 60 percent chance of developing type 2 diabetes within 5 to 10 years. Maintaining a reasonable body weight and being physically active may help prevent development of type 2 diabetes.
As with type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes occurs more often in some ethnic groups and among women with a family history of diabetes. Gestational diabetes is caused by the hormones of pregnancy or a shortage of insulin. Women with gestational diabetes may not experience any symptoms.
Stick to a diet which does not include sugary food or drinks.
Take responsibility for your own day-to-day management of your condition.
Take time to understand your diabetes and how it affects you.
This will make you more able to control it and prevent any complications.
Diabetes can adversely affect the blood vessels, as can smoking. If you smoke, try to stop.
Our pharmacist can advise you on dietary products which can be purchased and advise you about any of your diabetic medications.
If you show any of the symptoms of diabetes go to your doctor to be diagnosed.
If you need to use insulin then follow the prescribed regime exactly to prevent poor blood sugar control.
We also have a range of blood glucose testing kits available for home testing.
Type 1 diabetes is controlled with insulin, whereas type 2 diabetes can be controlled through diet and exercise.
If you are concerned about your health, see a doctor as soon as possible. Diabetes UK, the leading UK diabetes charity, also operate a Diabetes Careline: