Colds and flu are caused by viruses. Colds and flu are caused by viruses. There are more than 200 common cold viruses, and three types of flu virus with many different strains, so they’re hard to avoid. These viruses can be spread through droplets that are coughed and sneezed out by an infected person.
These viruses work by getting into your body, attacking your cells and using them to build more identical copies of themselves. This causes the familiar miserable symptoms of colds and flu, such as a runny nose, sneezing, a sore throat and a high temperature.
You will get better with or without a medicine, but over the counter remedies may help relieve your symptoms.
Antibiotics don’t work against viruses, and there is nothing you can do to cure a cold or flu. You have to wait for your body to fight and destroy the virus itself. However, you can relieve the symptoms and make yourself feel more comfortable while your body fights the virus. Ask your pharmacist for advice on treating the symptoms of colds and flu.
Cold and flu products may improve your symptoms.
They contain many different ingredients: ask your pharmacist for the best product for you.
For severe colds and flu, have plenty of rest and drink lots of water.
If symptoms are severe or include a rash, confusion or drowsiness, ask your pharmacist for advice.
If you are diabetic, elderly or have a long-term chest or heart condition visit your doctor for a flu jab every year.
Colds and flu rarely need antibiotics from your doctor.
If you have just returned from a country where malaria is a problem and have flu-like symptoms see your doctor.
If you are worried about your symptoms, ask our pharmacist for advice.